Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is how we (designer) do it yo!

Money Money Money - "Gettin' Money With a Mouse and a Wacom Pen (Fuck Comic Sans Fuck Papyrus, Too)" from Brad Chmielewski on Vimeo.

This music is the best when it comes to describing what most designers like most of us (yep.. that includes me too.. so deal with it) do on a daily basis...

sometimes it can be somewhat frustrating when people don't actually understand what we do. Just the other day I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine. He said "I don't really know how to explain to people when they asked me what I do. I told them I'm doing VFX and they were like "what?" So I just told them when people can't really make real explosion in the movie.. that's where I come in with my computer. And they were like "oooo". " hahah.. I just laugh...

so yeah guys... those who don't really know what FCMers or creative multimedia course students do or learn.. try listening to this song aite...

P.S. one more thing, we're always GETTIN MONEY WITH A MOUSE AND A WACOM PEN! *laughs*

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