Thursday, August 25, 2011

Made by Malaysians: Mat Luthfi's Video Response

If you guys really follow the Malaysian Youtube community... then you must know our fellow vlogger, Matluthfi90. Recently, this is what he vlog about...

So in response to his video, this is what "The Crib" *me and my fellow housemates* made courtesy of our very own PandaMerah...

Unfortunately, Alan already went back to his hometown to finish off his fasting there.. So we were short of 1 member...

Never the less, off all the video responses from many Malaysians, this particular one caught my attention..

She's half Malay half Chinese!!!! She even add a proverb in her response *major turn on!*... truly 1Malaysia... *giggles*

Anyway, we would like to wish all the Malaysians out there a very happy Merdeka Day and  to all the muslims out there, happy eid mubarak... maaf zahir dan batin :)

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